I've been paranoid about falls ever since she started pulling up, but I knew it was bound to happen. Yesterday afternoon Addyson was holding on to the couch cushion and lost her grip and banged her head against the coffee table leg. She screamed and cried, but I was still paranoid even though I knew that was a good sign. About 15 mins afterwards she got sick and then around midnight it happened again. Off to the ER we went. I think Addyson must have inherited my balance to be going to the ER at nine and a half months old. The nurses and doctors quickly assessed her and reassured us that she was doing fine. Then at 3:00AM we were on our way home with our little girl. Just as a precaution the ER doctor had us go to see our pediatrician this morning and she was given a clean bill of health again. We were very lucky, but the coffee table will be relocated until a later date just in case. I'm sure this is one of many exciting nights we will have as new parents.